2011 AMHA / AMHR / ASPC Black Pinto Stallion
McCarthys Jesse James of Rivenburgh x Rivenburghs Dulcinea
“Impress” was purchased by Hunterberry Hill the moment we laid eyes on him when he was just days old at Nancy Rivenburgh’s Farm. Come early spring of 2013, we decided to fit, train, and show Impress ourselves. Impress lived up to his name at the shows locally and regionally, and we were over the moon with his success and the recognition he was earning for himself. All the while at home he was covering mares for his first foals to arrive in 2014.
In August of 2013, we traveled to Fort Worth Texas for the AMHA World Show with much excitement and 11 horses, including Impress. Impress thrilled us with his results in his amateur classes with Adelyn Rowland, coming out on top in a tough class of colts in Amateur Junior Stallions Level 2 30-33”. Next he was named the World Reserve Grand Champion Amateur Junior Stallion. Later, we handed over the lead to Mike Hlavatovic to present Impress for us in his Open classes and they could not be beat! He was named World Champion 2 Year Old stallion 31-33”, and furthermore garnered the prestigious title of World GRAND Champion Junior Stallion. It was beyond our wildest dreams when Impress ended the 2013 World Show by being named the AMHA World Supreme Halter Champion of Champions!
Having won all there was to win himself, Impress has since stayed home to sire foals, and his get are taking his place in the show ring.
When his first foals hit the show ring in 2015 they followed right after their father, taking Supreme Championships and then going on to National and World Championships and multiple World Grand Championships. Since his win of the World Grand Champion Junior Stallion title in 2013, his colts have held the title in both 2015 and 2016 consecutively! With just his very first foal crop, Impress won First Place as the Top Earning Futurity Sire in 2015 and with a limited number of participating foals also earned 3rd place in 2016. He has his first foal who will be competing in performance classes debuting with us here at Hunterberry Hill in 2017, proving that he not only sires beautiful foals, but athletic ones too!
Impress embodies many characteristics which are important in our quest to produce miniature Arabian horses. His delicate chiseled features, long legs and short back, high flagging tail, keen and tightly tipped ears, large expressive eyes, and a thin silky, horse-like coat. He stamps his foals and though they may vary in color, they are all recognizably Impress. We pride ourselves on producing horses that are the whole package, possessing extreme type for the halter ring, and still maintaining correctness that lends itself well to the performance ring. Impress has fulfilled both of these desires with his ability to sire both beautiful and athletic foals.

Impress does not stand to outside mares. Thank you for your interest.
To view his foals that are for sale please see our sales page!
2013 AMHA World Supreme Champion Halter Horse | 2013 AMHA World Grand Champion Jr. Stallion
2013 AMHA World Reserve Grand Champion Amateur Jr. Stallion | 2013 AMHA World Champion Amateur Jr. Stallion Level 2 30-33"
2013 AMHA World Champion 2yr old Stallions over 31-33" | 2013 AMHA Honor Roll Grand Champion 2 Yr Old Stallions, Over 31 to 33"
Content Copyright 2017 | Website designed by www.DandMEquineDesign.com | AMHA World Supreme Champion, Rivenburghs Jess let Me Impress